Performance of Grafted Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia L.) with Scion taken from Plant Sources of Different Maturity
Marwin G. Diocampo and Rosario A. Salas
Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.) is a very important high vegetable crop
grown in Asia especially in the Philippines. Nowadays, application of grafting with
scion sources of different maturity is gaining interest as for the solution for high
cost of hybrid seeds. This study was conducted to determine the graft
compatibility of bitter gourd scions taken from sources of different maturity
grafted onto sponge gourd rootstock; compare the growth and yield performance
of the grafts produced; assess the effects of plant sources of different maturity on
the post-harvest quality of grafted bitter gourd. The treatments were: non-grafted,
Scion from 10, 21, 30, 45, and 60 days old plant source. Different maturity of scions
was obtained from healthy and disease free sources and grafted onto a 14 day old
sponge gourd rootstock. Results showed that grafted bitter gourd with scion from
younger sources had higher percentage graftake compared with scion from older
sources. In addition, younger sources had higher fruit yield per plant compared to
grafted bitter gourd with scion from older sources.
Keywords: bitter gourd, grafting, scion, rootstock, non-grafted