Horticultural and Yield Performance of Honeydew Melon (Cucumis melo L. var. Brilliant) in Response to Vine Pruning and Fruit Setting Position
Clarissa B. Jamilo and Rosario A. Salas
The study was conducted to develop doable technologies that will increase
quality and productivity of honeydew melon. It aimed to investigate the
horticultural and yield performance and evaluate the cost and return analysis of
honeydew melon variety “Brilliant”. This was laid out in split-plot arranged in
randomized complete block design (RCBD) replicated 3 times where four vine
pruning techniques and four fruit setting position were main and subplot
respectively. Results revealed that vine pruning significantly affects vine length at
30 days after transplanting (DAT). Single vine pruning had longer vine at 30 DAT.
Meanwhile, fruit setting position regulated flowering and number of days to
harvest. Fruit set at 1st -8th nodes enhanced the early appearance of first female
flower and shortened the number of days from transplanting to harvesting while 9th
– 16th and 17th and up lengthened the harvesting period by 4 days and 13 days
respectively. Meanwhile, vine pruning and fruit setting position significantly
affects yield characteristics of honeydew melon. Triple, double, and no pruning
with fruit set at 9th – 16th and 17th node got the highest weight of fruit per plant and
total weight of fruit per plot. Further, fruit set at 9th – 16th node with triple, double,
and no pruning ranked the highest in terms of weight of marketable fruit and
gained the highest net return of investment.
Keywords: honeydew melon, fruit setting position, node, vine pruning