Growth, Yield and Quality of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Grown in Hydrophonic System as Influenced by Different Aggregate Compositions and Pruning Techniques
Mary Rose G. Giban and Rosario A. Salas
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) is one of the most important cultivated
greenhouse crops, which requires new technology to cope with climate changes.
This study aimed to determine, investigate and compare the growth, yield, and
postharvest quality of cucumber; and evaluate the cost and return of cucumber
grown in hydroponic system as influenced by different aggregate compositions
and pruning techniques. This was undertaken in Split-plot in a Randomized
Complete Block Design with three different pruning techniques Without pruning
(P₀), V-cordon pruning (P₁) and Five stem pruning (P₂) as the main plot and four
aggregate compositions 4:3:1 Rh:Cc:LECA (T₁); 4:3:1 Rh:Cc:Rs (T₂); 3:2:1
Rh:Cc:LECA (T₃); and 3:2:1 Rh:Cc:Rs (T₄) as subplots. Cucumber plants applied
with V-cordon pruning (P₁) shown a lesser number of days from transplanting to
female flowering, a more significant number of marketable fruits, lesser visual
quality loss, lesser weight loss, and high titratable acidity. However, Without
pruning (P₀) gains the highest number of female flowers and highest Vit. C content.
While, Five stem pruning (P₂) revealed a longer fruit length, wider diameter, heavier
weight of marketable fruits and highest yield than all treatments. Among the four
aggregate compositions, 4:3:1 Rh:Cc:LECA (T₁) resulted to the tallest plant height,
longer fruits, greater number of marketable fruits, heavier weight of marketable
fruits, and highest yield. On the other hand, 3:2:1 Rh:Cc:LECA (T₃) obtained the
widest diameter of Japanese cucumber fruits while 4:3:1 Rh:Cc:Rs (T₂) obtained
the highest content of Vit. C. In addition, cucumber plants with V-cordon pruning
(P₁) and 4:3:1 Rh:Cc:LECA (T₁) gave a positive net return.
Keywords: Aggregate hydroponics, Cucumber, Growth, Pruning Techniques,
Yield, Quality